Term 4, Week 7 Friday 29th November 2024

I had the pleasure of attending the Arch D Podcasting Awards on Sunday at Sacred Heart College. All our year 6 students participate in the podcasting program here at St Margaret Mary’s School. It allows them to work in groups and learn the technical skills of professional podcasting and effective storytelling.
This year, we had 6 students nominated for Awards. This is a fantastic effort as over 900 students participate in the program across South Australia.
An award for a student that demonstrated leadership within their podcasting community elevating the quality of both their own and other’s podcast work to the highest standard.
- Yukti (St Margaret Marys)
Recognising the most engaging episode that consistently and effectively use the techniques taught within the Arch D courses in the creation of their podcast.
- “The Lucky Day or So We Thought” – Anisha (St Margaret Marys), Angie (Xavier), Gabe (St Pius X) and Kelvin (St Gabriels) [Podcasting Leaders Day]
The Principal Award for the school team that demonstrated team work and great storytelling.
The NBA Banter Boys
- John, Dillen, Joshua and Thomas
We will be sad to farewell Ann Lang at the end of the year. Ann has been an integral part of our staff since 1999, as a specialist Early Years teacher. She has been a part of many initiatives for learning and wellbeing of children. Those who know Ann will agree that her focus has always been on supporting the children in her care, helping transitions to school and encouraging literacy and creativity . We wish her all the best in her retirement and thank her for the time she was a part of the SMMS community, and the 45 years of service to Catholic Education SA.
Transition to 2025
We have been welcoming many new faces to our community over the past few weeks during our transition visits.
In Week 9, we will have our whole school transition where your child meets their new class and teacher for 2025. I’d like to remind you of the complex process that is involved in class placements. All students are given an opportunity for input into their placement, these are taken into consideration. Parents were given the opportunity in term 3 to share any learning or other needs that we may not have been aware of. Each year teachers spend a great deal of time looking at class placements for the following year. This process takes many things into account. First and foremost, we take into consideration the learning needs of all students. We aim to ensure classes are ‘balanced’, by also taking into consideration a balance of gender, progress and levels of children’s learning, children with specific needs (social/emotional, learning and physical), relationships and family considerations. Positive conversations about transitions are vital to assist your child build resilience and face new challenges.
Remember, your child’s best support may be someone they have not yet met!
Community Events
This week we welcomed the Premier, Mr Peter Malinauskas and the Hon Minister Blair Boyer along with Dr Neil McGoran (Executive Director of Catholic Education SA), Mr John Neate (Chair of the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools), Fr Dean Marin (Vicar General) to officially open and bless our outdoor learning facilities. It’s been a very busy time for official visits at SMMS over the past 2 months! We are looking forward to sharing our community with our guests.
Thursday 5th is our annual Community Event. The students will showcase some of their performing arts talents. Thank you to the teachers, especially Ms Roper, for preparing the children. Bring along your family picnic and enjoy some time with family and friends.
I hope to speak with many of you over the coming weeks!
Thank you for your continued support,
Kelly Campbell

Dear Families
The end of the school year is not far away, and Christmas is fast approaching – there’s only about 23 more sleeps!
Sickness & Tiredness
As we approach the end of the year, we all get tired and sometimes sick too. We have had many students go/stay home with gastro and coughs and colds recently with visible symptoms of runny noses, loud and persistent coughs and stomach aches. Please remember that if your child is unwell, they must stay home. If your child has gastro or vomits, they cannot return to school for 48 hours, even if they no longer have symptoms. This is for the care and respect of everyone in our community and is based on guidelines provided by SA Health. Thank you for your support.
End of Year Community Event – Christmas Around the World
The children are looking forward to performing for you – it’s going to be a fantastic event! We are monitoring the weather forecast very closely and will update you on Wednesday of any changes.
DATE: Thursday 5 December
TIME: Gates open 5:15pm. Event starts 5:45pm.
FOOD & DRINKS: BYO family picnic and drinks (no alcohol please).
BRING: A fold-out chair for adults, picnic rug, pillow or towel for children to sit on.
WHO: All students and families Preschool to Year 6.
COSTUME/CLOTHING: Check Seesaw or the note sent home to all families.
PERFORMANCES: Preschool- Christmas Around the World & This Little Light Of Mine, Foundation- Little Donkey, Reception- Jingle Bells, Year 1- Santa Claus Arriva in Citta, Year 2- Mele Kalikimaka, Year 3- Ang Pasko Ay Summupit, Year 4/5- An Aussie Christmas, Aussie Aussie Christmas & Aussie Jingle Bells, Year 6- Feliz Navidad, School Choir- Touch the Sky, Puttin’ On The Ritz.
It’s going to be a terrific night of celebration, fun and amazing performances. We are looking forward to seeing you next Thursday evening.
Praying for nice weather 🌞
See you then!
Belinda Elliott

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
This weekend, the Church celebrates the first Sunday of the Season of Advent. The Season of Advent signifies the start of a new Liturgical Year in the life of the Church. We enter into Year C and the focus for our Masses and Liturgies shifts from Year B and the Gospel of Mark, to Year C and a focus on the Gospel of Luke.
In our learning spaces, the liturgical colour changes from green (displayed during Ordinary Time) to purple which means we are entering into a time of preparation. The Nativity of the Holy Family will be displayed as well as the Advent Wreath. Each week in preparation for the Birth of Christ a new candle is lit. The first candle (purple) is the candle of hope. The second candle (purple) is the candle of peace. The third candle (rose) is the candle of love. The fourth candle (purple) is the candle of joy.
The Season of Advent begins on Sunday 1 December and ends on Tuesday 24 December.
Mary MacKillop Today
Earlier in the Term, our Year 6 students, held an annual fundraising day. As part of the day the students created stalls with delicious treats and fun activities. This year’s stalls raised over $950.00 for Mary MacKillop Today. Special thanks again to Ms Victory, Ms Harms and Ms Osborne and our Year 6 classes.
Vinnies Donations
Thank you to everyone who has generously donated to the Vinnie's Christmas Appeal. A ‘Giving Tree’ and baskets will continue to be displayed in the entry foyer of the school and we welcome all donations of food, gifts and toys.
The Croydon Park Vinnies group have arranged for our donations to be picked up on Wednesday 11 December (Week 9).
2025 Sacramental Program
If you are interested in your child being a part of the 2025 Parish Sacramental Program, please collect a copy of the enrolment form (available in English or Vietnamese) from the Front Office. Alternatively, you can contact the parish office on 8346 0944 or email matthew.harrison@smms.catholic.edu.au
Have a good week everyone.

Year 4/5 students are learning about significant Italian Christmas customs and traditions.
Gina Armiento
Italian Teacher

This week we incorporated some new poses during yoga time. We have started to incorporate using crystals to help us set intentions before we practice our breath work and yoga flow.
Such a special time every Thursday at first play.
Gina Armiento

Calling all campers! SPIN kids camp is a four-day, three-night Christian camp for years 4-6. Join us for a week of fun, games and faith at Camp Kedron, Barmera (private bus transport available from Adelaide).
The camp runs from 14-18th January 2025. First-time campers cost only $50!
To register your child for camp, either use the QR code in the flyer, or click on this link: https://www.blueprintministries.org.au/camps/spin/

Important Dates
Community Event 6pm
End of year Mass 9.15am
Preschool Group 2 Celebration of Learning
Preschool Group 1 Celebration of Learning
Year 6 Students Final Day
Final Day Foundation - Year 5 Students
School Times & Term Dates
Front Office: 8.30am - 3.45pm
Student Supervision: 8.30am - 3.20pm
Classes: 8.45am - 3.00pm
Term 1: Tuesday 28 January to Friday 11 April;
Term 2: Monday 28 April to Friday 4 July;
Term 3: Monday 21 July to Friday 26 September;
Term 4: Monday 13 October to Friday 12 December
Preschool Times

Group 1: Monday & Tuesday 8.45am - 2.45pm;
Odd Wednesdays 8.45am - 2.45pm
Occasional Care: Thursdays 8.45-11.45am (bookings required)
Group 2: Even Wednesdays 8.45am -2.45pm;
Thursday & Friday 8.45am - 2.45pm
Playgroup: Fridays 9.15-10.45am
Uniform Shop Times

Tuesday: 2.30pm - 3.30pm;
Friday: 8.30am - 10.00am
Crossing Monitors

Thank you to these students who have volunteered to be crossing monitors:
Week 7: Kenzi, Arin, Habity;
Week 8: Katelyn, Elena, Grace C;
Week 9: Tiffany, Rafael, Janice
OSHC Hours

Morning: 6.30am - 8.30am;
Afternoon: 3.00pm - 6.15pm
Phone Camp Australia: 1300 105 343

Student Absences
Phone: 8245 5855 (answering service - call anytime)
Email: absent@smms.catholic.edu.au
SMS: 0497 901 493
November Birthdays

Croydon Park Catholic Parish
Parish Priest: Fr Charles Lukati
Ph: 8346 0944
