Term 4, Week 5 Friday 17th November 2023

As we move into the last part of the school year, we have lots and lots of events happening! Just over the past few weeks we have had Children’s University Graduation, Maths Challenge Awards, Year 6 Aquatics, Interschool athletics, Excursions to the Farm Barn and the Adelaide Zoo, Diwali, transition visits.
There are many more events coming up including, Outreach Day, Podcasting Awards, End of Year Mass, Year 6 Graduation activities, Whole school transition, Year 1 and Year 2 excursions and our Whole School Community event!
PLEASE ensure you check your SeeSaw regularly, as this is the main source of communication with families.
Thank you to all parent volunteers who have been able to help us with the events. Thank you also to the staff who organise these events and experiences for students, above and beyond their classroom experiences.
Children’s University
Congratulations to the students who graduated on Monday evening with Children’s University. We had 25 graduates with many more students still collecting their ‘hours’ in readiness to graduate next year. Thank you to Pennie Blazely for coordinating Children’s University. There will be information shared at the beginning of next year if you’d like your child/ren to be involved.
2024 Class Structures
In 2024, we will have the following class structures:
Preschool 2 groups (5 day fortnight) Term 1 and Term 3 intakes
Reception 2 classes Term 1 and Term 3 intakes
Year 1 2 classes
Year 2 2 classes
Year 3 2 classes
Year 4/5 3 classes
Year 6 2 classes
We are finalising staffing and class placements, and all students will visit their new class and teacher in week 9. Please let us know ASAP if you will not be returning to St Margaret Mary’s School in 2024 to assist us in this process.
Thank you for your continuing support,
Kelly Campbell

Dear Families
Excursions and Events
It’s a busy time of the year and our students have been involved in many wonderful learning experiences at school and out in the community. Recently students have attended the Hahndorf Farm Barn, Adelaide Zoo, Athletics Carnival, West Lakes Aquatics, Preschool Family Night, Children’s University Graduation, Journey to Emmaus, STEM incursion and Diwali Assembly. Thank you to the staff and parent volunteers who have organised and supported these events. And there’s more to come in the next few weeks!
There are many parents who are in the process of becoming a registered volunteer. If you are interested in helping in our school or on excursions, please speak with Angela in the Front Office and she will assist you with the necessary approvals.
End of Year Community Event
Our next whole school gathering is the End of Year Community Event – Wednesday 6 December. All students from Preschool to Year 6 are expected to attend. The students are looking forward to sharing the songs/dance/performance from their Arts lessons with their families. We thank our Arts Teacher Mrs Selina Roper for all of her efforts in preparing the students for this special event.
Information was sent home to all families last Friday with details about this event and asking you to RSVP so we can ensure we have enough catering for all who attend. Please remember to return the slip to your child’s teacher by this coming Tuesday 21 November. If you are a registered volunteer and are able to volunteer, we would love your help. Please also indicate this on the return slip. More information will be sent to families next week, including the costume/clothing that your child needs to wear to the event. Please keep an eye out for this information.
Transition Visits – Preschool and Reception 2024
Our new Receptions have been enjoying their transition visits and spending time learning about ‘big school’ with their teachers Ms Leonardi and Ms Ventura, and support from Ms Tali. The new Preschoolers have also had lots of fun in Preschool with their teachers Mrs Iovino and Mrs Van Mourik, with the support of Mrs Polifrone and Mrs Manolo. Wednesday mornings are very busy with our new students, but it has been wonderful to see all of our new Receptions and Preschoolers enjoying the learning experiences. We look forward to welcoming them to SMMS in 2024. If you know anyone who is interested in joining our wonderful community, please have them contact Angela in the front office.
Wishing you all the best for the week ahead.
Belinda Elliott

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
The Season of Advent is fast approaching!
St Vincent de Paul - Christmas Appeal Donations
The Vinnie's Christmas Appeal is our major social justice and outreach whole school focus for Term 4. The Christmas Season is a joyful time and yet for many families, it may also be a financially challenging time. This year, the Vinnies Christmas Appeal focuses on the continuing impact of the cost-of-living crisis and its compounding effects. Vinnies is committed to a more just and compassionate Australia and as such is deeply appreciative of the support of schools like ours, for our ongoing generosity.
Vinnies are inviting Christmas hamper food donations. To accompany these donations, our Student Leadership Team representatives will help our classes to create handmade ‘Cards of Hope’ and decorate our ‘Giving Tree.’
Possible Food Donations |
Snacks |
Breakfast |
Lunch / Dinner |
Christmas pudding |
Cereal |
Dried pasta |
Long-life custard |
Long-life milk |
Pasta sauce |
Fruit and mince pies |
Pancake mix |
Tinned vegetables |
Christmas fruit cake |
Spreads |
Soup |
Biscuits |
Tinned fruit |
Jelly |
Shortbread |
Milo |
Cordial |
Christmas lollies |
Tea / coffee |
Long-life juice |
Collection baskets will be placed around our ‘Giving Tree’ in the main entrance area. The baskets will remain in the entrance between Monday 20 November until Wednesday 6 December. The ‘Giving Tree’ will also be displayed at our community event on Wednesday 6 December for any families who may still wish to place a donation in the baskets upon arrival.
From Thursday 7 December, Vinnies volunteers will begin the process of sorting hampers in readiness to distribute to local families in need this Christmas.
Mary MacKillop Today - Outreach Day Fundraiser
The Year 5/6 classes are currently planning Outreach Day fundraising stalls where students across the school can purchase items and participate in various activities during outside play. The Outreach Day fundraiser stalls will be set up on Friday 8 December for first play.
We are raising awareness and funds for the charitable works of ‘Mary MacKillop Today.’ In the spirit of Saint Mary MacKillop, ‘Mary MacKillop Today’ is focused on partnering with local communities, organisations and groups to bring dignity to thousands of children and families in Australia and throughout the world.
In Week 8, your child is invited to bring in money to purchase tickets for the stalls. The items and activities offered at each stall will cost $1.00 and to keep things simple each stall will require 1 ticket. Children can purchase up to 5 tickets (maximum of $5.00) to use at up to 5 stalls.
No money will be exchanged at the stalls on Friday 8 December, so the Year 5/6 students will be visiting each class from Monday 4 December to Thursday 7 December to sell tickets. All funds raised will them be donated to Mary MacKillop Today. Thank you once again for your ongoing generosity and support.
2024 Sacramental Program
Over the coming weeks, we will be distributing information regarding the 2024 Parish Sacramental Program to families who express interest. If your child is in Year 3-6, has previously been Baptised and you are considering participating in the program, we invite you to contact the office or myself matthew.harrison@smms.catholic.edu.au for further information.
Have a good weekend everyone.
Matthew Harrison

Students in Year 2 are busy learning about La Befana and other cultural facts and traditions about Christmas time in Italy . They are creating a fact file in their workbooks .
Gina Armiento
Italian Teacher

In Year 3 /4 JM we have been learning about poetic devices as part of our English unit on Poetry. We have explored the poetic devices of alliteration (repeating the same beginning sound), onomatopoeia (word for a sound effect), rhyming, imagery (using the senses to paint a picture in the reader’s mind), similes (comparing using like or as) and rhythm. We have also analysed and read poems by famous Australian authors, C J Dennis ‘The triantiwontigongolope’ poem and ‘My Country’ by Dorothea Mackeller.
The class have been challenged to write their very own limerick. A limerick is a nonsense poem which is written to make people laugh. They have a defined syllable and rhyming pattern and are only 5 lines long. The first, second and fifth line have 8/9 syllables and rhyme. Whereas the third and fourth line have 5/6 syllables and also rhyme with each other.
Here are the amazing limericks by students in Year 3 /4 JM

We have some sand still sitting in the staff car park next to preschool - would anybody like to take it home, please?

Hi Parents…
Christmas is literally around the corner which means its time for me to launch my favourite project of the year!
For the last 5 years, my daughter Lila and I have collected books and toys for the Salvation Army as part of their Christmas Appeal. Some of you will remember donating to me last year where we managed to collect an amazing 611 gifts!!
This year I am hoping to make a big impact again. I am reaching out to see if anyone would be interested in contributing. The impacts of inflation have increased the number of families suffering financially this year. I can’t imagine not being able to give my little girl a present for Christmas. Together we can give some very deserving kids an incredible Christmas morning.
Collection will start today and run until Thursday 30 November 2023. I will be unable to accept gifts after this date.
Purchase your gift (ensuring you follow the gift guide below) and drop it off to the office.
Your generosity is highly valued, and we appreciate the time and effort it takes to get a special gift for a child in need. It’s important to us that your intention is honoured, so please read through the below gift giving guide before choosing your gift.
Gift requirements:
• Toys and books must be new and good quality.
• Your gift should be ready to read or play with as soon as it’s opened on Christmas morning (i.e. include batteries, or colouring pencils for colouring books, etc)
• No gift wrapping, please. While it may seem helpful to wrap your gift, this creates problems in the sorting and packing process and means that parents don’t get to see or wrap the gift for their child.
Items we can’t accept
Unfortunately, there are some items that are difficult to sort and pack. Others may not be appropriate for a wide range of children. Repurposing these items costs money that we’d prefer to spend on getting more toys and books to more children. You can help us reach more children by avoiding the sorts of items listed below.
• Breakable items such as glass or porcelain
• Calendars and diaries
• Candles and lamps
• CDs and video games
• Clothing including shoes, costumes and pyjamas
• Food or drinks
• Games suitable for adults (16+ years)
• Toys that look like weapons such as guns and swords
• Items that contain liquid
• Promotional Marketing or branded items (items with company logos)
• Second-hand or handmade items
• Sheets and towels
• Toiletries, perfume and makeup
• Large items such as bikes, hula hoops, ride-ons etc. Try to keep your gift smaller than a school backpack.
Any questions please ask! Thank you again!
Nadia and Lila

The final Book Club for 2023 has arrived.
Due date for orders is Friday 24th November.
ALL orders done online via Book Club LOOP.
Find out how on Page 31 of your magazine (payments can not be accepted at school).

Calling all campers! SPIN kids camp is a four-day, three-night youth camp for years 4-6 this year. Join us for a week of fun, games and faith at Camp Kedron, Barmera (private bus transport available from Adelaide).
The camp runs from 9-12th January 2024 and first-time campers cost only $50! Any questions? This link will answer them - SPIN - Blueprint Ministries
Important Dates
2024 Preschool Parent Information Eve 6pm
2024 New Students Year 1-6 Transition
Year 2 Zoo Excursion
Community Event 5.30pm
Preschool Group 2 Celebration of Learning 2pm
End of Year Mass 9.15am
Playgroup Picnic
Outreach Day
Preschool Group 1 Celebration of Learning 2pm
Whole School Transition
Year 6 Graduation 6pm
Last Day of Term 4
School Times & Term Dates
Front Office: 8.30am - 3.45pm
Student Supervision: 8.30am - 3.20pm
Classes: 8.45am - 3.00pm
Term 1: Monday 30 January to Friday 14 April;
Term 2: Monday 1 May to Friday 7 July;
Term 3: Monday 24 July to Friday 29 September;
Term 4: Monday 16 October to Wed 13 December
Preschool Times

Group 1: Monday & Tuesday 8.45am - 2.45pm;
Wednesday 8.45am - 11.45am
Occasional Care: Wednesday 9-11.45 (bookings required)
Group 2: Wednesday 12.15pm-3.15pm;
Thursday & Friday 8.45am - 2.45pm
Uniform Shop Times

Tuesday: 2.30pm - 3.30pm;
Friday: 8.30am - 10.00am
Crossing Monitors

Thank you to these students who have volunteered to be crossing monitors:
Week 6: Justina, Jayla, Jasmin
Week 7: Thomas, Abahyjot, Savannah
Week 8: Sifat, Hannah, Jasmine
OSHC Hours

Morning: 6.30am - 8.30am;
Afternoon: 3.00pm - 6.15pm
Phone Camp Australia: 1300 105 343

November Birthdays

Student Absences

Phone: 8245 5855 (answering service - call anytime)
Email: absent@smms.catholic.edu.au
SMS: 0407 682 137
Croydon Park Catholic Parish
Parish Priest: Fr Charles Lukati
Ph: 8346 0944