Term 4, Week 1 Friday 21st October 2022

2023 Planning
Our staff are commencing the process of class placements for 2023. This week, students will also have a chance to provide input into this process. Each year teachers spend a great deal of time looking at class placements for the following year. This process takes many things into account. First and foremost, we take into consideration the learning needs of all students. We aim to ensure classes are ‘balanced’, by also taking into consideration a balance of gender, progress and levels of children’s learning, children with specific needs (social/emotional, learning and physical), relationships and family considerations.
At this time of the year, we have not finalised staffing and class structures, and we have teachers who will be changing year levels, as well as new teachers to our community. Requests for specific teachers are not a part of our process, as classes are determined before teachers are allocated to that class or year level.
If there is a consideration that you feel we need to be made aware of, please email me before Friday 28th October (kelly.campbell@smms.catholic.edu.au).
Once the process is finished, it is extremely difficult to consider further input from parents because the movement of one child will affect other children in the class and the balance that we work hard to achieve. In previous years, if you have put something in writing, please email me again, if you would still like this to be considered.
Outdoor Play Space
Over the next school holidays work will commence on renovating our outdoor learning and play spaces.
The undercover area will be re-surfaced to make this space better utilised by students. Our hard play area (courts) will be all be resurfaced. We are also installing a new playground with an updated nature play and sandpit area. We are planning to stagger this work to ensure there is always some play space for the students. It will be a bit messy as the works are being done, but it will be worth it!
A new undercover shade sail is also being installed in the Preschool to replace our beautiful tree we lost earlier in the year. The construction works for this are planned for the school holidays.
Thank you for your continued support,
Kelly Campbell
Welcome back to Term 4! We hope that you were able to have a restful break?!
Transitions visits
We have had a busy start to the term already. This week we welcomed new children who are beginning their transition to preschool and school for Term 1 2023. It is always wonderful to meet new families, see all the smiling faces and welcome them to the St Margaret Mary’s community.
It was wonderful to see the children who are about to begin preschool exploring the learning space and becoming familiar with the teachers and routines. Mrs Braidwood also had a wonderful time with the children who are about to begin Reception. They will be getting used to the routines of the school. It is always an exciting time for the school and the children.
We have limited availability in Reception for 2023. If you know of any children who are able to start school in Term 1, 2023, please encourage their families to contact us. Our next Principal Tour is next week, Tuesday October 25th.
Diwali celebrations
This week the classes have been working with Yashoda (mum of Tungavidya) and Veena (mum of Jaikrish and Yukti) to learn about the celebration of Diwali in the Indian community. The children have been learning about the symbols used during the celebration and the meaning of Diwali. The children have enjoyed participating in the craft activities as well. We will be acknowledging Diwali in the assembly on Monday if you would like to join us then.
Term 4 events
Term 4 will be a busy term with many different events happening in the school community. We have already had school photos this week, and there are many more things happening. A copy of the school calendar for Term 4 can be found here. Please keep a close watch on the newsletter and SeeSaw so that you know what is happening next!
In the next few weeks, all children in Preschool, Foundation and Reception will be going on excursions to the Zoo. Other year levels have sport carnivals coming up, as well as excursions planned. If you would like to attend with your child and to help out on the day you will need to have completed the school volunteer process. This is not difficult, and Angela can help you to do this. Please contact Angela at the Front Office for more information.
Just a reminder that school and preschool starts at 8.45 each morning. Attendance matters! Please ensure your child is attending school and preschool every day, unless they are sick. If your child is sick and will be absent for the day please call the absentee line on 82455855.

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Welcome back to Term 4 everyone!
Sunday 16 October, was the Feast of Saint Margaret Mary. Margaret grew up in France, she was educated by the sisters of the Order of Saint Clare and became devoted to prayer and communion. She later became one of the sisters of the Order of Visitation and added the name Mary. Within her religious order, Margaret Mary devoted her life to Jesus and sharing his love for us with others.
On Sunday, the parish celebrated the feast day of our Croydon Park Church with a Mass followed by a cultural celebration on the courts. The festivities included a blessing as well as different cuisines and performances from around the world.
Feast Day Celebrations
On Thursday 20 October, we gathered to acknowledge our school feast day the Memorial of St Margaret Mary. We were excited to start the morning with our first whole school Mass in the Church. Ms Lang’s Year 1/2 class showed the congregation how to make the sign of the Cross in French (a nod to a young ‘Margaret’ in France who loved to learn and pray).
The Mass was presided by Fr Sam with the support of our Foundation to Year 6 readers and slideshow operators. Fr Sam spoke about the unconditional love Jesus has for each of us. It was a beautiful celebration, it was wonderful to finally share a Mass experience with all our Foundation to Year 6 classes present and to once again hear the joyous singing of our young people’s voices filling our Church.
Just to add to the celebration and make the day that little bit extra special, we also enjoyed refreshing fruit ice-blocks in the afternoon.
Masses and Liturgies
The following Term 4 Masses and Liturgies of the Word (LOW) will be held in St Margaret Mary’s Church. If you are able, we invite families to join us for these celebrations. You can enter the Church via the Torrens Road main doors.
Thursday 27 October Year 5 Parish Mass (Simon and Jude) 9:15am
Thursday 3 November Year 3 Mass (All Saints) 9:15am
Friday 11 November Year 1/2 LOW (Remembrance Day) 10:20am
Monday 14 November Foundation and Reception LOW (Advent) 9:15am
Have a wonderful weekend everyone,
Matthew Harrison
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission
We have been advised by our suppliers that the short sleeve polo tops will not be available until mid December. We are low on stock of size 10 short sleeve polos and are awaiting size 6, 8 and 14.
Apologies to those who are waiting.
For those of you that weren’t aware each school holidays I meet with an Italian hub group and together we plan for our students. Our little group is growing . This year our group has consisted of 6 Italian teachers from different catholic schools in the metropolitan area. We pride ourselves on planning units of Italian learning that are interesting , engaging and fun for the students we teach. Our teaching and learning methodologies include songs, stories, interactive clips to watch, reading, writing and speaking .
Students will complete some revision work and consolidation on basic Italian vocabulary for the first few weeks this term. They will then explore and learn about Italian Christmas customs and traditions along with the very special legend of La Befana who is the gift giver in Italy. Senior students will further explore the story of the nativity Il Presepio .
Looking forward to a busy and productive term.
Gina Armiento
Italian Teacher
St Margaret Mary's School offers a very comprehensive transitioning program every Wednesday during Term 4. Research and experience tell us that effective transitioning programs where the children and families are well supported aids a smooth and successful beginning to school. On Wednesday 19th October some of our Preschool children ventured off into the big school for their first Transition Visit. Once getting over the surprise and confusion that there was another Mrs B in the school 🙂, the children settled in seamlessly and displayed confidence, resilience and curiosity. We asked some our children to share their thoughts:
Finley - 'I really really happy at big school. We sang the gummy bear song, and made a necklace with our letters. I saw my big brother at the playground. Do you know we can go on the playground now because I am at big school?!'
Elijah: 'I saw another Mrs B! I made a necklace for my Mum. I did playing and I did drawing for my Mum'
Zechu: 'I played with the magnets that catched the shark. The best thing about big school is seeing Koby!'
Ella: 'I really want to go to big school because it is fun. We do drawing and painting and then we go inside and sit down on the mat'

Thank you to our Volunteer Mums Yashoda and Veena who have been introducing us to Diwali celebrations this week. Our students have been loving learning about our friends' culture.

Hi Families…
Collection starts now and will run until the 30th November 2022. I will be unable to accept gifts after this date.
Your generosity is highly valued, and we appreciate the time and effort it takes to get a special gift for a child in need. It’s important to us that your intention is honoured, so please read through the below gift giving guide before choosing your gift.
Gift requirements:
- Toys and books must be new and good quality.
- Your gift should be ready to read or play with as soon as it’s opened on Christmas morning (i.e. include batteries, or colouring pencils for colouring books, etc)
- No gift wrapping, please. While it may seem helpful to wrap your gift, this creates problems in the sorting and packing process and also means that parents don’t get to see or wrap the gift for their child.
Gifts most needed
This year we have a shortage of gifts for children between 6 and 12 years of age. By donating a gift suitable for a child in this age group, you will help us meet the needs of many more families. Gifts such as board games, STEM and activity-based toys are always well-received.
Items we can’t accept
Unfortunately, there are some items that are difficult to sort and pack. Others may not be appropriate for a wide range of children. Repurposing these items costs money that we’d prefer to spend on getting more toys and books to more children. You can help us reach more children by avoiding the sorts of items listed below.
- Breakable items such as glass or porcelain
- Calendars and diaries
- Candles and lamps
- CDs and video games
- Clothing including shoes, costumes and pyjamas
- Food or drinks
- Games suitable for adults (16+ years)
- Toys that look like weapons such as guns and swords
- Items that contain liquid
- Promotional Marketing or branded items (items with company logos)
- Second-hand or handmade items
- Sheets and towels
- Toiletries, perfume and makeup
- Large items such as bikes, hula hoops, ride-ons etc. Try to keep your gift smaller than a school backpack.
Any questions please ask! Thank you again!
Nadia Siv
School Times & Term Dates
Front Office: 8.30am - 3.45pm
Student Supervision: 8.30am - 3.20pm
Classes: 8.45am - 3.00pm
Term 4: Monday 17 October to Friday 16 December
Term 1: Monday 30 January to Friday 14 April;
Term 2: Monday 1 May to Friday 7 July;
Term 3: Monday 24 July to Friday 29 September;
Term 4: Monday 16 October to Friday 15 December
Preschool Times

Group 1: Monday & Tuesday 8.45am - 2.45pm;
Wednesday 8.45am - 11.45am
Occasional Care: Wednesday 9-12 (bookings required)
Group 2: Wednesday 12.15pm-3.15pm;
Thursday & Friday 8.45am - 2.45pm

Crossing Monitors

Thank you to these students who have volunteered to be crossing monitors:
Week 1 - Ky, Nam, Dakota
Week 2 - Olivia, Wynter, Alexis
Week 3 - Logen, Piang, Savannah
Uniform Shop Times

Tuesday: 2.30pm - 3.30pm;
Friday: 8.30am - 10.00am
OSHC Hours

Morning: 6.30am - 8.30am;
Afternoon: 3.00pm - 6.15pm
Phone Camp Australia: 1300 105 343
Croydon Park Catholic Parish
Parish Priest: Fr Charles Lukati
Ph: 8346 0944
Student Absences

Phone: 8245 5855 (answering service - call anytime)
Email: absent@smms.catholic.edu.au
SMS: 0407 682 137
Book Club Issue 7 orders due by Wednesday, 26th October via LOOP

Details Page 39 of the magazine.
October Birthdays!

We wish the following students who celebrate a birthday in October a very happy and blessed birthday:
Deng | 4/5GG |
Julie | 6LO |
Madalena | 1/2CF |
Henry | FDN |
Saba | FDN |
Lina | FDN |
George | 1/2AL |
Jasmin | 4/5CM |
Jayla | 4/5GG |
Ngan | 1/2AL |
Tyler | 4/5KT |
Daran | 1/2KB |
Kiaan | RRB |
Leona | RNW |
Zoe | 1/2KB |
Kira | 4/5GG |
Aston | 3MK |
Halo | 3MK |
Aaron | 1/2AL |
Preslava | 1/2ML |
Celeste | 4/5GG |
Yalda | 4/5KT |
Bao | PRE2 |
Olivia | 6LO |
Abahyjot | 4/5GG |
Kevin | 4/5KT |
Anna | PRE2 |
Nate | 1/2CF |
Brian | 1/2KB |
Zi Hang | 6LO |
Sonita | PRE2 |
Rocio | RNW |
Dad Circle
The Uniting SA Dad Circle website is now live!