Term 2, Week 9 Friday 28th June 2024

Student Reports
This week your child/ren will be bringing home their Semester 1 report. The report also contains some information that will assist you in interpreting your child’s achievement. It is extremely important that you read the comments that accompany the grades. The comments will outline the level of learning and achievement of your child and also has some comments about your child’s learning disposition, areas of challenge and areas of growth.
The reports are only one aspect of the important feedback and partnership with families. In week 2, we will be holding our Parent/Teacher conversations. This year we are holding them earlier in the term to give you a chance to discuss your child’s report. Please make an appointment time, following the instructions outlined with your child’s report.
Year 6 Camp
In Week 8, our Year 6 students attended their camp at Aldinga. We were very lucky that it didn’t rain and we had a great time. The students participated in many team building activities and had a go at orienteering, bush cooking and also had plenty of time to relax with their friends. Camps are an excellent part of senior school life and we are very grateful for our staff for making these experiences happen. Thank you to Charlotte Harms, Greig Graham, Pennie Blazely, Matthew Harrison and Bethany Newhouse for preparing for and attending camp. We are looking forward to the Year 5 camp next term!
Student Free Day
Please remember that this Friday (5th July) is a student free day. All staff (including administration staff) will be attending our staff formation day. The office will be closed all day.
OSHC is available and bookings can be made at www.campaustralia.com.au
We look forward to seeing everyone, refreshed after a break, on Monday 22nd July.
Thank you for your continued support,
Kelly Campbell

We had so much fun at the disco!
We enjoyed a fantastic week of discos with our Preschoolers having theirs Tuesday (Group 1) and Friday (Group 2), and the Receptions enjoyed theirs on Friday too. Mrs Campbell and Mr Harrison were the DJs and the children enjoyed singing and dancing to the tunes and playing some party games.
The Year 1 to Year 6 students danced and sang on Friday night with DJ Shaun paying a selection of contemporary and classic tunes. Students looked great in their best disco outfits highlighted with glow sticks. We really appreciate the support of the staff who attended as well as our parent volunteers who helped with supervision and drinks for the children.
Please remember to keep your child/ren home if they are feeling unwell, especially if they have a temperature, cough, and/or runny nose. There are many viruses around in the community at the moment, and we can all stop the spread and keep our community safe by staying home with our children. Your support is always appreciated.
I hope that our students enjoy a restful holiday break. If you are also having some time off, then I hope that it is a time of renewal for you too, in preparation for the second half of the year.
Best wishes for the weeks ahead. We will see you in Term 3, commencing Monday 22 July.

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
On Thursday 27 June, our Year 4/5 classes celebrated their parish Mass for Term 2. Thank you to our classroom teachers for supporting the students in their preparation and to the families who were able to join us for this celebration. The Year 4/5 students were amazing hosts, showcasing their joyous participation and tremendous leadership abilities.
Student Leadership Team
This week our Student Leadership Team representatives planted new vegetables in our community garden beds. Together, we have planted cauliflower, broccoli, brown onions and snow peas. These vegetables will be nurtured by the students and provide a wonderful example of how we care for God’s creation. We look forward to helping our vegetables grow and updating our SMMS community when we are ready to harvest in Term 3.
A Heartfelt Thank you
On behalf of the school community, Croydon Park Parish and St Vincent de Paul, we would like to thank Roger’s grandpa and family for the beautiful tomatoes they have kindly been donating to our school. It has been great to see so many of our families taking a bag of tomatoes home of an evening. In addition, we have also been able to donate boxes of ripe tomatoes to the parish and Croydon branch of Vinnies. Because of Roger’s family's generosity, their act of kindness has extended to support those families in need within the broader community.
First Holy Communion
Next week, is the Parish Information Meeting for all students preparing for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion. The meeting, will be held on Wednesday 3 July (Week 10) at Whitefriars School (45 Beaufort Street, Woodville Park), from 7.00pm in the Mary MacKillop Hall.
We ask that all students attend the Information Meeting with at least one or both parents. Students will receive a First Holy Communion pack, containing information and a third book with activities to help families prepare for the Sacrament. Please be advised that there will be a sign in sheet to register your attendance. If you have any questions regarding the Sacramental Program, please contact the parish office on 83460944 or email Kirsty Power our Parish Sacramental Coordinator sacramental.coordinator@croydonparkparish.com.au
Grady House Spirit Day
On Friday 26 July (Term 3, Week 1), the students in Grady House (red) are invited to wear one of their red items from Sports Day in addition to their school uniform (please note: this is not a casual day). Items include their Sports Day red T-Shirt, red hair accessories or red socks. This is an invitational celebration of Grady House team spirit, so please do not purchase any new clothing or items (that were not already worn on Sports Day). Grady House students will not require a gold coin donation and please avoid spraying hair with colour or applying coloured zinc on this occasion.
As mentioned previously, every House will have their own House Day celebration of team spirit. The House dates for our remaining Spirit Day’s are:
- MacKillop House (Green) Friday 9 August (Term 3, Week 3)
- Margaret House (Blue) Friday 18 October (Term 4, Week 1).
Have a good holiday break everyone.
Matthew Harrison

Dear Parents/Caregivers,
When paying your school fee account online please provide your Family Billing ID. This is vital so that your payment is assigned to the right account. Please do not just use your name.
The Family Billing ID, your Biller code and family reference number are on the bottom left of your statement.
The Catholic Development Fund has changed banks and is now with The Commonwealth Bank. This should not change your banking. Our new account details are on the bottom right hand side of your statement.
Jane Victory
Finance Officer
Receptions have had a wonderful term of learning about farm animals through the Italian story "La Gallinella Rossa" . It has been so lovely to see their confidence in joining in to read parts of the story and recall the story vocabulary.
Bravissimi !
Gina Armiento
Italian Teacher

Last week the year 6 students went to Aldinga for their camp. We were very lucky with the weather and everyone had a great time. After camp we all had to write a recap of what we had done. This is one example from Hieu from 6GG.

Dear Parents and Families,
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school Library. Our Book Fair theme is Paws for Books: Come. Stay. Read a Great Tale! All classes will have a chance to browse the Book Fair and fill in a Wish List.
There are 2 ways to purchase items:
- PRE-PAY the purchase amount online by following the steps on the back of the Student Wish List. Return your completed forms with receipt number to the Library to collect your books.
- EFTPOS will be available during the family opening times listed below.
Sorry, NO CASH payments will be accepted.
Open for FAMILIES: EFTPOS available
Week 9
Friday 28th June (BOOK FAIR OPENS)
After school 3:00-3:20pm
Week 10
Monday 1st July
Before school 8:30-8:50am
After school 3:00-3:20pm
Wednesday 3rdJuly (LAST DAY)
Before school 8:30-8:50am
After school 3:00-3:20pm
Open for STUDENTS:
Week 10
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday during First Play
To fill in a Wish List or collect pre-paid books with completed pre-payment forms.
We hope you can find a purr-fect book for the holidays!
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. McCullough in the Library.
Congratulations to our year 6 teams who competed at the SACPSSA basketball carnival in Week 7!
Semester 2 basketball is currently being planned for our weekly games after school at St Clair Recreation Centre during Terms 3 & 4. Notes have been sent home with all the details and nominations are due by Friday 5th July.

Important Dates
Preschool Celebration of Learning Group 1
First Communion Meeting
Preschool Celebration of Learning Group 2
Last Day of Term 2 - 3pm finish
Pupil Free Day - OSHC Available
First day of Term 3
School Times & Term Dates
Front Office: 8.30am - 3.45pm
Student Supervision: 8.30am - 3.20pm
Classes: 8.45am - 3.00pm
Term 1: Monday 30 January to Friday 12 April;
Term 2: Monday 29 April to Friday 5 July;
Term 3: Monday 22 July to Friday 27 September;
Term 4: Monday 14 October to Friday 13 December
Preschool Times

Group 1: Monday & Tuesday 8.45am - 2.45pm;
Odd Wednesdays 8.45am - 2.45pm
Occasional Care: Wednesday (Thursdays from Term 3) 8.45-11.45am (bookings required)
Group 2: Even Wednesdays 8.45am -2.45pm;
Thursday & Friday 8.45am - 2.45pm
Uniform Shop Times

Tuesday: 2.30pm - 3.30pm;
Friday: 8.30am - 10.00am
Crossing Monitors

Thank you to these students who have volunteered to be crossing monitors:
Week 9: Hannah, Nancy, Yukti;
Week 10: Alina, Lily, Emily.
Term 3, Week 1: Charm, Angel, Annika
Week 2: Kenzi, Arin, Haibity
Happy June Birthday!

Happy Birthday to everyone celebrating a birthday in June!
OSHC Hours

Morning: 6.30am - 8.30am;
Afternoon: 3.00pm - 6.15pm
Phone Camp Australia: 1300 105 343
Student Absences

Phone: 8245 5855 (answering service - call anytime)
Email: absent@smms.catholic.edu.au
SMS: 0407 682 137
Croydon Park Catholic Parish
Parish Priest: Fr Charles Lukati
Ph: 8346 0944

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