Term 1, Week 5 Friday 1st March 2024

Master Planning
We are very excited to be starting our next Master Planning process. This is a chance for us to ‘dream big’ and imagine how we can improve our school environment (buildings, facilities) to help guide any new developments. Your voice is important in this process, and this is your chance to have a say.
We want to hear your thoughts!
Please take a few minutes to fill out the survey using the links below (English, Vietnamese or Burmese).
Parent/Teacher Conversations
We look forward to seeing all parents/carers attend the parent/teacher conversations in week 7/8. This is a very important opportunity to discuss your child’s learning and wellbeing with their teacher. Partnerships with parents are vital in supporting your child’s learning and wellbeing. During these conversations you will hear how your child is progressing in their academic program, any adjustments being made to their learning and assessment and interventions, as well as their wellbeing. It is a good time to discuss any concerns you may have or find out more about your child’s learning program.
All students will have bought home a booking sheet for you to book your time – booking is easy and online. Please contact the front office if you did not receive a booking sheet.
Student Supervision Before and After School
Students are supervised before school from 8.20am and after school until 3.20pm. After this time, they will be taken to OSHC. We ask ALL parents/carers to register for OSHC (it is free to register) in case you ever need this service. Outside our official supervision times, we cannot guarantee staff are available to supervise your children and we will need to pass on staffing charges if they are not registered with OSHC.
School Board and Annual General Meeting
The School Board AGM will be held on Wednesday 13th March at 6.30pm.
Reports will be tabled at the beginning of the meeting, elections for new members will be held and those elected will remain for the meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend 6.30-7pm and then we will continue with our meeting for elected members.
We are calling for nominations for the school board.
The school board does not require a huge commitment, it is 2 meetings each school term (6.30-8pm, on a Wednesday evening). The school board is important in shaping policy and future direction of the school. It is a vital part of parent voice and is a great chance to meet other parents, offer ideas and discuss school planning. You do not require any particular experience other than an interest in the strategic direction and continual improvement of our school.
Please give me a call (or catch a staff member in the yard) if you’d like to discuss.
Nominations must be made prior to the AGM.
An expression of interest for nomination can be made via email to info@smms.catholic.edu.au
Why is it important for your child to arrive at school on time?
At St Margaret Mary’s, classes begin at 8.45am. Children arriving after this time are given a late slip at the front office and will be marked as a ‘late arrival’.
There are many benefits your child will gain from arriving on time to school and class.
Did you know?
- The likelihood of success in learning is strongly linked to strong participation in school programs which is linked to arriving on time.
- It is very important for children to develop habits of arriving on time at an early age, beginning from the time they start school.
Some gains for your child…
Arriving on time for school and class:
- Helps your child to learn about routines and commitment.
- Gives your child time to greet their friends before class and this can reduce the possibility of disruptions in the classroom.
- Class disruption can make your child feel uncomfortable and can upset other children.
- Arriving on time every day makes children feel good about themselves.
- Makes sure that your child doesn’t miss out on the important learning activities that happen early in the day when they are most alert.
- Early morning learning activity is often reading and writing – your child can lose so many opportunities to learn these critical life skills if they are consistently late.
Are you having problems getting your child to school on time?
Are these some reasons why your child does not get to school on time?
- Your child won’t go to bed at night or get out of bed in the morning
- Your child can’t find their clothes, books, homework, school bag etc
- The school lunches are not ready
- Homework is not done
- Your child is slow to eat breakfast
- Your child is watching TV/on devices late at night or when they should be getting ready for school
- It is your child’s or someone else’s birthday
- There is a test or presentation at school today
- Your child is crying or not letting you leave
Things to try
Here are some suggestions based on setting regular routines
- Have a set time to go to bed
- Have a set time to get out of bed
- Have uniform and school bag ready the night before
- Make lunches the night before
- Have a set time for starting and ending breakfast
- Set a time each day for homework, try straight after school with the TV/devices off so your child can relax for the rest of the night
- Turn the TV/devices on for set times and only if appropriate
- Be firm that children must go to school
- Give your child lots of positive encouragement and acknowledge when they are organised and get to school on time
- Be firm; a birthday does not equal a holiday
- On arrival, look for some of your child’s friends and encourage your child to go and play with their friends.
- Once settled, say goodbye and leave quickly
Regular routines are important!
Thank you for your continued support,
Kelly Campbell

Easter Raffle 🐰
We will again be holding our annual Easter Raffle with the money raised going to Caritas Australia via Project Compassion. Money raised will support their important work in ending poverty, promoting justice, and upholding dignity in countries such as Malawi, the Philippines, and Samoa.
We would love your help with prizes for the Easter Raffle and are collecting donations in the front office area. Please place your donations in the baskets in the foyer. Donations could include items such as Easter eggs of all flavours, shapes and sizes and Easter art and craft activities. Thank you in advance for your kindness 🐰 and generosity.
Raffle books and information about the raffle tickets will be sent home to each family early next week and the raffle will be drawn on Holy Thursday 28 March.
Learning Support & Parent Teacher Learning Conversations
Sometimes students need a little more support with certain aspects of their learning, as we all have different strengths and abilities. Our teachers and ESOs (Education Support Officers) do a wonderful job of supporting students of all ability levels in all learning areas. Alongside this we have intervention programs such as MiniLit, MacqLit, What’s the Buzz, and Speech Language programs. If your child is participating in one of these programs in a small group or 1:1 you will receive a letter informing you of this support or it will be discussed in the Parent Teacher Learning Conversations coming up in the next few weeks.
If you have any concerns or questions about your child’s learning, then please take the opportunity to book in for a Parent Teacher Learning Conversation. Notes were sent home to all families this week with the booking website and code. Learning Conversations are a great opportunity for you to hear about how your child’s learning is progressing so far this year, celebrate their achievements and set goals for future growth.
Wishing you all the best for the week ahead.

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
On Thursday 22 February, I held the first meetings with our House Captains and our Primary Years and Early Years Student Leadership Teams (SLT). Each meeting focused on ways we can support Caritas Australia through our fundraising efforts for Project Compassion. This term the SLT representatives were encouraged to demonstrate their responsibility by sharing the Caritas fundraisers with their respective classes.
House Meeting
On Wednesday 6 March, the Year 6 House Captains will host a Reception to Year 6 meeting in a designated area of the school. Each term, the captains will provide an introduction, school prayer, school value focus and predetermined activity. The Term 1 meeting will have a focus on the school value of compassion and learning the House chants for 2024.
Sacramental Program
This year, we have 13 candidates and their families enrolled in the Parish Sacramental Program. On Wednesday 6 March, the candidates and one parent are asked to attend the Reconciliation Workshop at Whitefriars School. The workshop will be held in the Mary MacKillop Centre from 7:00pm. All candidates are encouraged to bring their Reconciliation (Penance) workbooks to school on Tuesday 5 March so that I can assist them with the preparation. If families have any questions regarding Reconciliation, the Parish Sacramental Program or the workbook please email matthew.harrison@smms.catholic.edu.au .
Early Years Liturgy
On Thursday 7 March, the Receptions, Year 1 and Year 2 classes, will host a Liturgy of the Word. The liturgy will be held in St Margaret Mary’s Church from 10:20am. The theme of the liturgy will be focused on the ways we can love God by caring for each other. Families are most welcome to join us for this liturgy by signing in via the front office.
Primary Years Fundraiser
On Tuesday 12 March, Years 3 to 6 will participate in a local ‘walk for compassion.’ This fundraising event is called Caritas Ks (kilometres). Through the Project Compassion stories, our students learn about the many children around the world who have to walk several kilometres to access, water, food or school. In response, those who are able are encouraged to bring in a gold coin donation on the day. Each year level will walk to Hudson Avenue Reserve, a timer will be set for 10 minutes and students will be able to walk, jog or run laps of the reserve, before walking back to school. If students are able complete 2 laps whilst at the reserve, they will have accomplished over 2 kilometres.
Whole School Fundraiser
On Thursday 4 April, all Preschool to Year 6 athletes will be invited to join a second Caritas fundraiser at Sports Day. This fundraising event will be called the ‘House Walk’ and families are most welcome to walk a lap of the Sports Day track with their House. Those who are able are encouraged to bring in a gold coin donation on the day. Every student that participates in the walk will receive a wristband, ‘I walked for Caritas – SMMS 2024.’
All donations collected in Project Compassion boxes will be added to the Caritas K and House Walk donations at the end of the term.
Have a good weekend everyone!
Matthew Harrison

After school Basketball started this week with our 5/6 team kicking off the season with a win against Whitefriars at their first game.
Soccer notes have gone home to students who are interested. Soccer games are played on Saturday mornings between 8.30am and 1pm (starting Term 2, Week 2). All our sport competitions focus on FUN, INCLUSION, HAVING A GO and LEARNING. Please fill in the forms and send them to the office as soon as possible if your child would like to play.
Classes have started for the year with lots of enthusiasm! Our R-2 classes are focusing on fundamental movement skills and have enjoyed participating in our ‘Rainbow Rotations’ in Sport lessons. Our 3-6 classes are focusing on basketball and fitness testing. All classes will begin Sports Day preparation next week.
Important Dates for Term 1 to put in your diaries!
SACPSSA Swimming Carnival – Wednesday 3rd April Week 10 (Selected Years 3-6 students)
SPORTS DAY – Thursday 4th April
With the Soccer season approaching and basketball happening all year round, please consider offering to help coach a team. Like all schools, our school sports program requires parents to volunteer to help coach a team for our children to have the opportunity to play. If your child is keen to play school sport, please consider coaching a team.
If you would like to help with carnivals or coaching during the year please make sure you have a current Working with Children Clearance and completed volunteer forms. Please see our office staff if you require assistance obtaining a Working with Chidren Clearance.
Year 1 students have been exploring and learning about the traditional "Carnevale" celebration which occurs in Italy on Shrove Tuesday. We have watched some videos filmed at this year's Carnevale celebration in Venice, Italy. The costumes and masks were amazing.
Gina Armiento
Italian Teacher

Internet and mobile phone technology is fabulous and provides us with the ability to connect with people all around the world. We can explore and learn about the world like never before, however, cyberspace does have its problems and unfortunately children are often not aware that their words and or photos which may have been intended for a small audience, sometimes find their way to a larger one, often with both unexpected and undesirable consequences.
At St Margaret Mary’s School we are inviting ALL our families to attend a parent session Monday 25th March at 6:00pm led by Susan McLean from Cyber Safety Solutions. Susan is an expert in the area of cyber safety.
The parent session will cover the positive benefits of technology as well as what parents need to be aware of:
- Reality & Risk.
- What are kids doing online.
- Online Grooming.
- Cyberbullying.
- Problematic Gaming.
- Top Tips
Please check your child/s bag for the Cyber Safety note, asking you to nominate how many family members will be attending.
Rebecca Braidwood
Leader of Learning

Hi Families,
We understand some of you are having trouble placing orders via the Qkr app on your android device.
I have been keeping in contact with Qkr management and they’re aware of the issue and trying to solve it.
In the mean time if you would like to place an order for your child online you can pay through the website portal.
Please find the link below to the Website for Parents to order on a computer or laptop
We understand not being able to order from your mobile device can be frustrating but unfortunately it is out of ours and your schools control.
If you have any further questions you can contact us direct on 8268 5954
Thanks, Veronica
Westside Lunch and Coffee Bar

Important Dates
3KR Assembly 2.20pm
Student Free Day - OSHC Available
Public Holiday
4/5MR Assembly 2.20pm
Whole School Liturgy 1.30pm
Year 6 Holy Week Assembly 2.20
Foundation 2024 Parent Information
Good Friday Holiday
Easter Monday Holiday
Swimming Carnival
Sports Day
Last day of Term 1 - 3pm finish
School Times & Term Dates
Front Office: 8.30am - 3.45pm
Student Supervision: 8.30am - 3.20pm
Classes: 8.45am - 3.00pm
Term 1: Monday 30 January to Friday 14 April;
Term 2: Monday 1 May to Friday 7 July;
Term 3: Monday 24 July to Friday 29 September;
Term 4: Monday 16 October to Wed 13 December
Preschool Times

Group 1: Monday & Tuesday 8.45am - 2.45pm;
Odd Wednesdays 8.45am - 2.45pm
Occasional Care: Wednesday 8.45-11.45am (bookings required)
Group 2: Even Wednesdays 8.45am -2.45pm;
Thursday & Friday 8.45am - 2.45pm
Uniform Shop Times

Tuesday: 2.30pm - 3.30pm;
Friday: 8.30am - 10.00am
Crossing Monitors

Thank you to these students who have volunteered to be crossing monitors:
Week 6: Alina, Lily, Emily
Week 7: Charm, Angel, Annika
March Birthdays

OSHC Hours

Morning: 6.30am - 8.30am;
Afternoon: 3.00pm - 6.15pm
Phone Camp Australia: 1300 105 343

Student Absences

Phone: 8245 5855 (answering service - call anytime)
Email: absent@smms.catholic.edu.au
SMS: 0407 682 137
Croydon Park Catholic Parish
Parish Priest: Fr Charles Lukati
Ph: 8346 0944
